Efficiency, advanced Information Technology solutions and speed of execution are absolute reference models; logistics must comply with and continually draw inspiration from them.
In addition to this, a logistic structure specialised in the management of fresh and frozen products must be able to guarantee compliance with the cold chain at every stage.
However, today all this is no longer enough, we need to implement a broader concept of food safety at 360°.
Could you imagine your products without an operational management that complies with the most stringent food safety standards or the internal standards of your company?

Constant risk analysis, quality in execution, process guarantee, food defence. These are the principles that we follow to give you a complete and safe service that leaves no room for unknowns with respect to your customers or surprises with your suppliers.

A cold logistics all brawn and brains
1,500 Kw of power supplied by a technical room constantly monitored by an automatic system capable of detecting and communicating in real time all the operating parameters on the status and temperatures of the cells. In addition, a generator that guarantees, from a Business Continuity perspective, an operational constancy 365 days a year without interruptions even in the event of accidents or power cuts.

  • Food Sector Operator (FBO) recognised with health authorisation since 1980.
  • Health Mark No.: IT 2658 S CE
  • Compliance with the HACCP self-control system through constant risk analysis and management to guarantee the safety and health of the products stored until they are returned.
  • Issue of Health Certificates
  • BRC Storage & Distribution ite code certification: 5879328
  • Certified since 1998 with the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system
  • Authorised to store Pet Food products
  • Constant control of cell temperatures guaranteed and certified by a 24-hour operational monitoring programme authorised and verified by the Local Healthcare Unit
  • Alarm system for detecting anomalies in real time
  • Use of ntc and pt 100 probes for measuring the temperature of incoming products and for detecting and monitoring the core temperatures of the products
  • Anterooms suitable for maintaining the cold chain
  • Type “C” Bonded Warehouse with authorisation 29141 X for storage of goods abroad.
  • VAT deposit in compliance with art. 50bis l.d. 331/93.
  • Local clearance: warehouse with simplified local clearance procedure in Import/Export
  • Authorisation to export to: Hong Kong – Japan
  • Issue of Health Certificates for Export
  • 1,500 kW power cooling system
  • 440Kw electrical generator
  • Guard house and internal availability service 24/7
  • Internal and external video surveillance system
  • Automatic anti-intrusion system in all areas of the warehouse
  • Night patrols carried out by a private security institution